Conference Venue

Conference Hotline on 7 & 8 October: 2852 2382
Conference Venue
Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
Location Map
Registration and Information
The registration and information desks are located at the lobby, Ground Floor, Yasumoto International Academic Park. It will be open at the following hours:
7 October 2016 (Friday)
8 October 2016 (Saturday)
All the keynote and plenary sessions at Lecture Theatre 1, YIA will be conducted in English and simultaneous interpretation into Cantonese will be provided. The intervention workshops / interactive seminars will be conducted in either Cantonese or English and no simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Speakers Ready Room
The Speakers Ready Room is located at the VIP Room on Ground Floor (outside Lecture Theatre 1), YIA and will open for the speakers to preview and prepare their files when and where necessary.
Lunch on 7 October
Light sandwich lunch will be distributed during the short break before the lunch symposium. There are numbers of canteens providing a variety of food at the campus. The nearest canteen to the conference venue is Chung Chi College Student Canteen.
Drinking Fountains
No coffee or tea will be served during the conference. Drinking fountains are located on every floor of the venue. Please bring your own water bottle. You may also buy drinks at the vending machines or the coffee shop located on the 1/F of YIA.
Identification Badges
All participants will receive an identification badge upon registration. Name badges are required at all times for identification purposes and admission to the sessions and workshops. You can be declined admission if you are not wearing an identification badge when attending the conference.
CME / CNE / CPD Accreditation
CME/CNE/CPD Accreditation is available for Hong Kong delegates. Please signify your attendance at the service desk near to the Registration area DAILY.
The Hong Kong College of Pathologists: 1 CME point (Cat.: PP)
(For Scientific Lunch Symposium only)
The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists (Cat.: PP/OP)
7 October 2016: 6 CME points
8 October 2016: 3.5 CME points
The Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association
7 October 2016: 7.5 CNE points
8 October 2016: 4.5 CNE points
Hong Kong Physiotherapist Association: 5 CPD points
Occupational Therapists Board: 10 CPD points
Association for Play Therapy: Delegates who attend Workshop 6 on 8 October 2016 could claim 1.5 hours of Accredited Play Therapy Training (#06-181) from Association for Play Therapy.
Certificate of Attendance
Certificate of Attendance will be distributed to registered participants upon collection of registration materials.
Personal Property
Please take good care of your personal belongings. Do not leave them unattended. The organizers and the conference secretariat will not be responsible for any loss or damage of your personal properties.
Adverse Weather Arrangements
When the Hong Kong Observatory issues the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 or red rainstorm warning signal, all on-day events will be held as scheduled.
When the Hong Kong Observatory issues the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above, or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal before 6:00 (11:45) morning (afternoon) conference activities will be cancelled. For warnings in effect, if the warning signal is cancelled before 6:00 (11:45), conference activities scheduled for the morning (afternoon) will be convened as normal, otherwise, they will be cancelled. If a particular session has already commenced when the warning signal is issued, that session will continue as scheduled until further notice from the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to re-arrange the programme and any re-arrangements will be announced on the conference website.